Rare Video Clips!

Since being a teenager, I have been obsessed with collecting all things to do with McCartney or The Beatles.

I have recently dug up some old VHS videos and also benefited from many rarities provided by Beatles collector Roy Matthews – he filled up my car two weeks ago with what my family thinks is “junk” but is gold to people like myself and Roy.

The problem is transferring old VHS to digital formats – but it can be done – with lots of old equipment, cables and a laptop..,and patience!

So here are some rate bits and pieces – and there will be more to follow.

1. Interview With Peter Sissons – Broad Street

Paul McCartney and the news reporter Peter Sissons both attended the Liverpool Institute. This interview takes place just after Paul faced a lot of flak over his new Give My Regards to Broad Street Film – the reviews were mainly terrible (despite McCartney’s 50/50 defence here).

Paul is clearly caught on the back foot and is forced to awkwardly defend his own film.

Only a year or so later, he finally admitted that he didn’t like the film.

Wings On Granada Reports 1979

Granada is the local TV station for Liverpool and Manchester. The segment is introduced by Bob Greaves. I knew Bob in the 1990s as I used to play the guitar at a Spanish Restaurant near his home in Sale, Manchester – and he was in there every single night of the week.

Wings are interviewed. The general atmosphere is fun and relaxed. Linda is on fine form and does a scouse accent; with hilarious results. On the next day, Granada show a recording of Getting Closer from the concert at the Royal Court, Liverpool. The performance is excellent all round.

Sadly, two copyright claims on With A Little Luck and The End mean that there are two short silent sections on this video, where the sound had to be muted.

Denny Laine – Spanish TV

Denny performs two pieces for Spanish TV. Probably around 1982. Go Now and Anyone Can Fly. On Go Now, Denny is singing live to a backing track. I’m not sure if he is playing the piano live here, but the vocals certainly are.

People who enjoy finger-picking will be impressed by Laine’s Anyone Can Fly. He uses the same Ovation Adamas guitar that can be seen on the Wings video for Again and Again and Again. It was also used by Laurence Juber for the notable guitar solo on Goodnight Tonight.

More video “Gold” to Follow – please subscribe to this blog…